Practical information

Here you’ll find the opening hours, closing days and directions for Golf d’Opio Valbonne in Opio, near Nice and Cannes.

Opening hours

The golf club is open every day from:

  • 7.30 am to 7.30 pm (high season)
  • 8 am to 5.30 pm (low season)

Getting there by car

Golf d’Opio Valbonne
Route de Roquefort Les Pins
06650 OPIO

From Cannes (A8, exit N°42) Direction Mougins-Grasse D3, 1st exit Valbonne. In Valbonne, direction Roquefort-Les-Pins.

From Nice : Motorway towards Aix, exit N°47, Villeneuve-Loubet-grasse D2085. In Roquefort-Les-pins roundbout, direction Valbonne D204.


Services provided by the golf club

Charging stations for T2 and Tesla vehicles

Getting there by train

20 minutes by car from Antibes station, 25 minutes from Cannes station and 30 minutes from Nice-Ville station

Getting there by plane

20 minutes by car from Nice Côte d’Azur Airport and 25 minutes from Cannes-Mandelieu Airport


Golf d'Opio Valbonne reception

Waiting list

This tournament is sold out. Complete your email and we will contact you if seats become available.

Thank you. We’ll get back to you as soon as there’s a spot available.
Where would you like to play ?

In order to prepare our greens for the season, we inform you that the aeration of the greens will take place on March 24 and 25 (some flags will be in winter green on these 2 days). Then the greens will be in place but with sand.

We therefore apply a special pricing from March 24 to April 6.

Thank you for your understanding